Expert proffers solution to increasing migration of students abroad

Expert proffers solution to increasing migration of students abroad

Coordinator of, the Commonwealth Students Association, Precious Ebere, has proffered solutions to the increasing number of Nigerian students leaving the country to study abroad, stressing the need for the Federal Government to develop targeted policies and initiatives to attract and prevent Nigerian students from studying abroad.

Ebere, who spoke in an interview with newsmen on Wednesday, noted that increasing funding for education and ensuring access to same was imperative, adding that it has a significant impact on the lives of individuals and the overall prosperity of the nation.

“Many different aspects of education can be addressed in the political process, including funding, curriculum, teacher training, school choice, and access to higher education. How these issues are addressed can have significant consequences for the education system, and the prospects of individuals and society as a whole.

“The Federal Government’s approach to addressing the situation will vary depending on the particular situation and needs of Nigerian students studying abroad. However, some potential measures that the government could take to address the situation include increasing funding for university education and developing targeted policies and initiatives to attract and keep Nigerian students studying abroad in the country.

“The future of education is continually changing and evolving. However, some of the things that many students want to see in the future of education include more personalised learning experiences, more opportunities to engage with real-world issues and problems, and more opportunities to network and connect with other students and educators.

“Additionally, students would also like to see an increase in online and digital learning opportunities, as these tools continue to offer convenient and efficient access to education resources.

“Ensuring access to education is a critical issue for politicians to address, as it has a significant impact on the lives of individuals and the overall prosperity of the nation. Many people consider access to quality education to be a fundamental right and a key determinant of individual and societal success. As such, it is not uncommon for candidates in an election to present their plans and policies on education as part of their platforms,” she stated.

The renowned development practitioner and policy analyst urged leaders and those seeking political offices to invest in high-quality education.

“Promoting education during election periods is crucial for the development and progress of a country; It sends a message to voters that the candidates value the importance of education and are committed to improving it. Education is the foundation upon which nations are built, and investing in it helps to ensure that future generations have the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to their communities and the economy.

“For the Nigerian child’s education; whatever it takes to prepare our teachers, curriculum, and classrooms to attain the right educational goals should be done using clear data that can be monitored and accessed with the right policies.

“Beyond campaign promises, politicians should provide high-quality early childhood education which can have a long-lasting positive impact on a child’s development and future success

“They need to ensure that all children have access to a good education, regardless of their socio-economic background or where they live. This may involve implementing policies that target disadvantaged communities or providing additional resources to schools serving low-income students.

“There is a need to recognise the importance of education throughout an individual’s lifetime and support initiatives that provide opportunities for continuing education and training. This may involve supporting adult education programs or providing incentives for employers to offer training and development opportunities to their employees.

“Also, guaranteeing that teachers are well-trained and supported is key to improving the quality of education. Politicians can work to improve teacher recruitment, training, and retention to ensure that students have access to the best possible education,” she said.

Ebere stressed the need to expose disadvantaged students to technological aids to enhance their education.

“Technology can be a powerful tool for enhancing education, particularly for disadvantaged students who may not have access to the same resources as their peers. Politicians can support initiatives that provide technological resources to schools and teachers and ensure that students have access to reliable internet connectivity,” she added.

How to Perform Well on SAT, ACT Test Day

How to Perform Well on SAT, ACT Test Day

Stress is not necessarily a new feeling for high school students, but taking a standardized test like the ACT or SAT can bring its own set of challenges.

These college entrance exams are somewhat unfamiliar settings for many students, and they come at a time in their lives when they haven’t yet developed many strategies to cope with the pressure, says Ginger Fay, director of global partnerships for Georgia-based Applerouth Tutoring.

No matter how much test prep a student has done, test day can be a struggle.

“It’s helpful for students to recognize that this is a high-stakes moment,” she says. “It will come with stress, just like the beginning of a race. There’s a lot of stress in that moment. Hopefully it helps you burst into energy and helps you do your very best. But it can sometimes get in your way.”

Preparation and perspective can go a long way, and implementing these six tips can help students feel comfortable and perform well on test day.

Get Plenty of Mental and Physical Rest

While it might be tempting to cram the night before, experts say that time is better used relaxing and getting to sleep early enough to feel refreshed the next morning.

“You should have already done just about all of the heavy lifting over the past three-to-four months by focusing on any academic weakness prior to the test,” Pierre Huguet, CEO and co-founder of admissions consulting firm H&C Education, wrote in an email. “Students should focus on lowering their stress level as much as possible at this stage. That isn’t accomplished by actively focusing on ‘not stressing’ but rather by proactively engaging in activities that will take your mind off the test.”

Huguet says any prep the day before rarely has a significant impact on students’ scores. Instead, he recommends students go for a walk, read a book or play video games, so long as none of those activities keeps them up late. Students should get as much sleep as possible, he says, but he encourages them not to overthink it and try to get the “perfect amount of sleep.”

“Placing too much emphasis on getting enough sleep tends to cause unnecessary stress,” he says. “Instead of completely changing your routine, stick to your habits.”

Eat a Good Breakfast

Going to sleep at a good time makes it easier to wake up early enough to eat a good breakfast, which preferably would include protein, Fay says.

“Eat it before you go to the test site, so that you’ve had a little bit of time to digest it,” she says. “So all the blood and energy is not targeted on your stomach, because you want it back in your brain.”

Pack Essentials the Night Before

Getting items ready the night before and having them by the door can ease the process on the morning of test day and alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety, Fay says.

Items that experts recommend bringing are water, snacks with protein or a little bit of sugar, two-to-four No. 2 pencils, a small pencil sharpener, a sweater in case it gets cold and a calculator that’s fully charged or has extra batteries if it requires them.

Experts also stress that students remember to take their test ticket and photo identification. Students with accommodations should print out the letter from the College Board or ACT that describes the accommodations and make sure they’re packed as well, Fay says.

“Preparation will help build your confidence,” she says. “When you hit a stressful situation, what you really want to think is, ‘I’ve got this,’ rather than, ‘I’m not ready for this.’ Every chance you have to go in feeling more confident and more prepared is better and will help you do whatever you’re capable of on test day.”

Read the Questions Carefully

Both tests are timed. The SAT takes three hours, while the ACT lasts two hours and 55 minutes. The ACT also includes a 40-minute optional writing test, which would stretch that to a little more than three and a half hours.

The time limits cause stress for many students, experts say, and it can be tempting to rush through questions, not read them thoroughly or misunderstand them entirely. Some questions might be designed to trip test-takers up.

“Think carefully about what it’s asking of you rather than assuming you know what to do and what the answer is,” Fay says. “Sometimes you’ll rush to judgment when you’re taking a test like that and think you can solve the problem, but really the question is asking what you need to solve the problem.”

If the time pressure starts to feel overwhelming, some breathing exercises may help, Fay says. Counting down from 10 or another similar counting method paired with a focus on inhaling and exhaling can help calm nerves.

“Any physical signal that the stress is getting the worst of you, that’s a time to try and bring yourself back to center,” she says.

Complete Questions You Know First

There’s no rule that requires test-takers to complete questions in order, so if time is a concern, experts suggest skipping the hard questions and completing the easier ones first.

“It’s better to keep your momentum going than to break it,” says Carl Foreman, a master tutor for education consulting company IvyWise.

Each question, no matter the difficulty, is worth the same amount on both tests.

“There’s no value in spending five minutes on one question when you could answer five questions in the same minute,” Fay says. “If you get stuck, you are better off moving on than overdoing answers. If it’s taking you longer than a minute to work out a math problem or to figure out where the comma goes in a sentence, then it’s probably in your best interest to move on.”

Foreman says both tests are structured so that the questions get progressively harder as a section goes on. “Make sure you get all the easy points,” he says.

When test-takers encounter a difficult question, they should select an answer but make a note on the test booklet to go back and review it, experts say. That way, if time does run out, at least there’s an answer provided.

There’s no penalty for a wrong answer, so experts suggest that test-takers guess if they are unsure rather than leaving it blank. Strategically, it’s best to guess the same letter for each question that stumps you, Fay says.


Registration Requirements For Business Entities In Nigeria

By Benita Ayo

Registering a business venture is oftentimes the best and wisest move an entrepreneur should always take before launching out. The reason for this is not far-fetched.

In most situations, when an entrepreneur fails to register his business prior to its commencement, the desired business name may become subject to disapproval whenever he chooses to register the business at a later date.

This is one reason why it is strongly advised that a business undergoes the necessary registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

Let it be known that it is never enough to simply register a business and retreat. There are still things the law expects a business owner to do after registration of a business with the CAC.

For instance, every business entity, such as (Limited Liability Company (Public or Private), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Limited Partnership (LP), Business Name (BN), Incorporated Trustees (IT) etc, are all expected to file the Annual Returns of their businesses on or before the 30th June of each fiscal year. Failure to do this attracts penalties for default.

In extreme circumstances, where a business entity has failed to file its Annual Returns for consecutive years, the entity’s profile with the Corporate Registry will be deemed inactive.

In sum, while most business entities continue to transact their businesses unabated, a check on their profiles at the Corporate Registry will reveal that such businesses are, in truth, inactive.